Jabba The Hutt - The Episode 1 Collection - 1999

The annual Boonta Eve podrace at Mos Espa is perhaps the most exciting, action packed sporting event in the galaxy. Completing a time-honored race ritual, crime lord Jabba the Hutt bites the head off a chuba and spits it at the traditional gong. The podracers are off! While a two-headed announcer narrates the play-by-play, a young Podracer named Anakin Skywalker races towards his destiny.

Jabba The Hutt With Fode & Beed

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

Weazel figure, Solomultipack
Tie Fighter Pilot figure, tvcrereleases
AT-ST Driver figure, SAGASpecial
Imperial Evo Trooper figure, SOTDSBattlepack
Darth Maul figure, CW4
Death Trooper figure, blackseriesphase4archive
R4-E1 figure, TSCBattlepack
Lando Calrissian figure, TVC3-pack
Polis Massan figure, ROTSBasic
Rey figure, ctsmulti
Firespeeder Pilot figure, TSCBasic
ARC Trooper figure, TACOrder66
AT-RT Driver figure, ROTSBasic
Klaatu figure, SAGASpecial
Luke Skywalker figure, SAGA2004
Princess Leia Organa figure, SkywalkerSaga2Packs
Tech M’or figure, tvctroopbuilders
Imperial Assault Tank Driver figure, bssixthreeexclusive
Wookiee Warrior figure, ROTSBasic
Donald Duck figure, DisneyCharacterFiguresBasic
Owen Lars figure, TLCBasic2008
Luke Skywalker figure, SOTEBasic
Biker Scout figure, TACBattlepack
Obi-Wan Kenobi figure, SLBasic