Kazuda Xiono - Star Wars Resistance - 2019

Confident and skilled when piloting a New Republic X-wing fighter, Kaz now feels out of his element having been assigned to be a spy for the Resistance.

Kazuda Xiono Star Wars Resistance

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

Mandalorian Shriek Hawk Trainer figure, blackseriesphase4exclusive
R5-D4 figure, TVCBasic
Sephjet Josall figure, SLB
Padmé Amidala figure, retromultipack
Galen Erso figure, blackseriesphase4basic
C-3PO figure, TVCExclusive2
Velken Tezeri figure, tvctwobasic
General Madine figure, VintageRotj
Salacious Crumb figure, tvcbasic
Sise Fromm figure, VintageDroids
Ratts Tyerell figure, TVCBasic
Jeremoch Colton figure, TLC2
Teebo figure, MHBattlePack
R2-D2 figure, Episode1Basic2
Hera Syndulla figure, tvctwobasic
C-3PO figure, DCMultipack
Sandtrooper figure, TLCPack-in2009
Ody Mandrell figure, Episode1Basic3
Carnor Jax figure, TLCBattlepack
Luke Skywalker figure, potf2basic
ARC Commander Blitz figure, tvctwobasic
R4-E1 figure, TSCBattlepack
Trachta figure, TLCComic2-pack
Luke Skywalker figure, TACBasic2007