Clone Trooper Fives - Star Wars The Vintage Collection - 2020

There was no biography or additional text on the packaging.

Clone Trooper Fives

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

Chewbacca figure, ROTSBasic
Boba Fett figure, bscarbonized
Luke Skywalker figure, TLCBattlepack2009
Admiral Piett figure, tvctroopbuilders
Han Solo figure, bssixthree2pack
Tie Fighter Pilot figure, OTCBasic
Wes Janson figure, TLCEvolutions2008
Mace Windu figure, tscbattlepack
Quinlan Vos figure, TLCComic2-pack
Endor Rebel Soldier figure, TSCBasic
Mae figure, tvctwobasic
Mara Jade figure, blackseriesphase4comicbook
Juno Eclipse figure, TAC2008
Oppo Rancisis figure, SAGAScreenScene
BARC Trooper figure, TACOrder66
C-3PO figure, vintagestarwars
Stormtrooper figure, SAGASpecial
Clone Trooper Thire figure, TCW2Packs
Battle Droid figure, Episode1Basic1
Joclad Danva figure, TLCGeonosis2-pack
Death Trooper figure, tvctwobasic
Imperial Officer figure, SAGA2002
Han Solo figure, TLCBattlepack
Jawa figure, potf2basic