Rebel Fleet Trooper - Star Wars The Vintage Collection - 2021

There was no biography or additional text for Han Solo on the packaging.

Rebel Fleet Trooper With Tantive IV Playset

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

Luke Skywalker figure, TLC2
Mace Windu figure, POTF2special
Beru Whitesun figure, TLCBasic2008
K-2SO figure, RogueOneBasic
Darth Maul figure, diamondselecttoysbasic
Momaw Nadon figure, tvctwobasic
AT-ST Driver figure, tvctwobasic
Qui-Gon Jinn figure, tfaclass4
Yoda figure, bsarchive
Admiral Thrawn figure, bssixthree
Chewbacca figure, POTF2cinema
Darth Nihilus figure, bsgaminggreats
0-0-0 figure, bssixthree
Elite Praetorian Guard figure, bssixthreeexclusive
Fenn Shysa figure, TLCComic2-pack
Luke Skywalker figure, POTF2creature
BB-8 figure, DisneyEliteSeriesDieCastBasic2015
Commander Neyo figure, TACLegends
Kylo Ren figure, TheLastJediBasic
D-0 figure, blackseriesphase4holiday
Princess Leia Organa figure, Retrobasic
Cloud Car Pilot figure, POTF2VEHICLE2
Darth Vader figure, TVCBasic
ARF Trooper figure, CW2