Chirrut Îmwe - Star Wars The Black Series - 2021

Deeply spiritual, Chirrut Îmwe believes all living things are connected through the Force. Though he lacks Force abilities, this warrior monk has rigorously honed his body through intense physical and mental discipline.

Chirrut Îmwe Rogue One

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

Arvel Crynyd figure, TLCPack-in2008
Cortosis Battle Droid figure, TLCDroidFactory2009
Han Solo figure, POTF2deluxe
Boba Fett figure, SLBasic
Geonosian Warrior figure, SAGA2002
Clone Trooper Scythe figure, TCW2Packs
Babu Frik figure, bssixthreeexclusive
Clone Trooper figure, blackseriesphase4basic
Hrchek Kal Fas figure, TLC2
Sandtrooper figure, TACLegends
Achk Med-Beq figure, SAGA2003
Jango Fett figure, SkywalkerSaga2Packs
Darth Vader figure, BlackSeries40
Luke Skywalker figure, blackseriesphase4comicbook
General Grievous figure, TCW2009
AT-AT Driver figure, VintageEsb
Obi-Wan Kenobi figure, blackseriesphase4exclusive
R2-SHP figure, DCMultipack
Tie Fighter Pilot figure, SoloVehicle2
C-3PO figure, TACBasic2007
Battle Droid figure, bssixthree
C-3PO figure, DisneyEliteSeriesDieCastMulti2016
Commander Bly figure, bssixthree
Jann Tosh figure, VintageDroids