Jyn Erso - The Black Series 3.75" - 2016

A highly skilled soldier in the Rebel Alliance, Sergeant Jyn Erso is an impetuous, defiant warrior eager to bring the battle to the Empire. Jyn has little patience for debate within Alliance High Command, enough so that she takes matters into her own hands.

Jyn Erso Rogue One

Featured Figures

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Cobb Vanth figure, blackseriesphase4basic
Rio Durant figure, Solobasic
Clone Trooper figure, tvctroopbuilders
Luke Skywalker figure, bssixthree
Mosep Binneed figure, BS2
Darth Vader figure, POTF2Special
Jodo Kast figure, TLCBasic2008
Finn figure, RogueOneClass2
Luke Skywalker figure, potjbasic
Din Djarin figure, blackseriesphase4holocomm
Paploo figure, blackseriesphase4exclusive
Chirrut Îmwe figure, TheLastJedi2Pack
Dr. Evazan figure, tvcrereleases
Vizam figure, SAGASpecial
Count Dooku figure, CWANIMATEDBasic
Cloud Car Pilot figure, POTF2VEHICLE2
Clone Trooper figure, TCW2Packs
Sandtrooper figure, bssixthreevehicles
C-3PO figure, VintageDroids
Commando Droid figure, TCW2009
Anakin Skywalker figure, ROTSBasic
Baze Malbus figure, RogueOneVs
Tusken Warrior figure, retrobasic
Boba Fett figure, Retrobasic