Anakin Skywalker - The Episode 1 Collection - 1999

After enduring heavy damage during their escape from Naboo, the Naboo Royal Starship is forced to land on the desert planet of Tatooine. Returning from Mos Espa with Anakin Skywalker, Qui-Gon is ambushed by a figure in flowing dark robes, it is the evil Darth Maul. Ordering Anakin to the ship, Qui-Gon matches his awesome Jedi skill against the Sith Lord's sinister power. Both escape with their lives, but it would not be their last meeting.

Anakin Skywalker Tatooine Showdown

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

Rebel Commander figure, VintageEsb
Din Djarin figure, tvctwobasic
Jedi Knight figure, OCW3pack
Pit Droid figure, Episode1Basic3
Sandtrooper figure, SAGASilver
Luke Skywalker figure, blackseriesphase4exclusive
Cal Kestis figure, blackfirst
Clone Trooper Waxer figure, TCWBattlepack
Darth Maul figure, Episode1special
ARC Trooper Commander figure, TVCBasic
AT-ST Driver figure, TVCExclusive
Boss Nass figure, Episode1Basic3
Teedo figure, tfapack
4-LOM figure, DISNEYBasic
Tie Fighter Pilot figure, bssixthree
Luke Skywalker figure, bssixthree2013
C1-10P Chopper figure, tvctwobasic
Ugnaught figure, TLCBasic2008
Luke Skywalker figure, VTSC
Biker Scout figure, Retrobasic
Darth Vader figure, OTCCommemorative
Bomarr Monk figure, POTF2special
Jawa figure, BS2
Obi-Wan Kenobi figure, blackseriesphase4exclusive