Han Solo - SOLO: A Star Wars Story - 2018

There was no packaging text or character biography on the back of the packaging.

Han Solo Kessel Mine Escape Playset

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

Han Solo figure, BlackSeries40
R2-D2 figure, OTCBasic
Dr. Evazan figure, blackseriesphase4exclusive
Ahsoka Tano figure, tvcrereleases
Yoda figure, TCW2009
G2 Droid figure, DCMultipack
WED Treadwell figure, TLCBasic2008
Neimoidian Warrior figure, ROTSBasic
Biker Scout figure, blackseriesphase4carbonized
Resistance Trooper figure, tfaclass4
BD-1 figure, bssixthree
Garazeb Orrelios figure, blackseriesphase4basic
Sev figure, SOTDSBattlepack
Cad Bane figure, CW2
Resistance Trooper figure, bssixthree
Darth Vader figure, POTF2Special
Battle Droid figure, retromultipack
George Lucas figure, SAGASpecial
Obi-Wan Kenobi figure, TLC2
Super Battle Droid figure, MHBasic
R5-C7 figure, TLCBuild-A-Droid
Din Djarin figure, blackseriesphase4basic
Battle Droid figure, blackseriesphase4exclusive
Clone Trooper Matchstick figure, TCW2009